Pint of Science

Blue Planet: Scotland's Coasts and Waters, and Their Inhabitants


I was on an panel of Marine Scientists that introduced and discussed current diverse research perspectives of Scottish seas with the general public, as part of the international Pint of Science Festival.

Expedition Narratives

A rewarding interdisciplinary workshop, Scientific Expedition Narratives, during which I built cross-disciplinary connections and future collaborations. This workshop was organised by Dr Anna Auguscik, who brought together environmental and social scientists, historians, artists and novelists to discuss, explore and collate the diverse perspectives of scientific expeditions.


Supported by the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg.

Science and Art

I was part of a team of researchers who consulted with artist Jen Collier on the Royal Burgh of Science: From Waldie to Scotty project, which celebrated local historical discoveries through to the latest scientific developments with a series of workshops, talks and events aimed at children, families and adults.


Funded by the Royal Society, Places of science 2022, and a partnership between Heriot-Watt University and Linlithgow Museum.

{react} magazine


During my management of the {react} team I secured £10,000 of funding from Newcastle University Postgraduate School to ensure publication of three issues, and organised a launch event for issue #10 with keynote speaker Annabel Bligh (The Conversation UK).


Public Engagement Lead

I oversaw dissemination of {react} magazine throughout northeast England, organised the training event Introduction to science, journalism and the media for Newcastle University students, and spearheaded the facilitation of student-led science communication blogs in local secondary schools.

{react} Blogger

[Not] climbing the
academic ladder

The Natural Health Service

Academic anxiety – 
you’re not alone

SAGES Climate Science Podcast

Along with Prof Bill Austin, from the University of St Andrews, I sat down with Laura Young to discuss the role of the Ocean in climate resilience.


This episode is one of an eleven-part series from the Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society, exploring pressing climate issues and cutting-edge research with some of Scotland's leading scientists.


Listen to all episodes here.

Ea nam lagere

Cetero oporteat sensibus his eu. Has ex vidisse perpetua, vis partem mollis mandamus at. Ea nam legere mentitum prodesset, no quo lucilius liberavisse, te oratio debitis omittantur eos. 

Vitae eos

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla euismod condimentum felis vitae efficitur. 

Lucillius debitis

Nulla euismod condimentum felis vitae efficitur. Sed vel dictum quam, at blandit leo.

The best bit of my job - the adventures!

Nullam eget molestie risus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla euismod condimentum felis vitae efficitur. Sed vel dictum quam, at blandit leo.

C o m m u n i t y   R o l e s

GB National Representative and
Euro-SOLAS Regional Panel: 
Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study

2022 - present


Year-round liaison between the UK scientific community and the International Project Office of the Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS). 

Chair: Carbon-Water Dynamics research group meetings

2022 - 2024


Chaired and scheduled weekly research group meetings, and facilitated a speaker, discussion or workshop each week.

Steering Group: MASTS Marine Biogeochemistry Forum

2025 - present


Ad hoc administrative support for UK scientific community mobilisation and collaboration.

Postdoc Futures
Postdoc Futures


National grassroots initiative in communication with Wellcome and UKRI to help shape a better future and create a more consistent policy structure across all institutions that will benefit Postdoctoral Researchers.

Committee: Fieldtrip and Off Campus Health and Safety,
SNES, Newcastle University


Routinely reviewed fieldwork protocols, risk assessments, and advised on fieldwork applications during the COVID-19 pandemic, for fieldwork activities in the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences.

Working Group: Inductions, SNES, Newcastle University


Development of a consistent department wide induction procedure for all new staff and postgraduate students in the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences.

Steering Group:
National Postdoc Conference



Assisted with the organisation and promotion of the National Postdoc Conference 2021 and supported the sessions and networking events held throughout the conference, which was hosted virtually by the University of Liverpool.

Co-chair: National Postdoc Conference 2021 sessions



Raising your research profile by writing for The Conversation.


More than “Just about Managing” Stepping up to Project Leadership.


How to get published with Nature – an ex-editor’s perspective.

Funding Panel:
Enviresearch Foundation



Appraised applications and selected recipients of the Community Award, Travel Grant and Summer Bursary from the Enviresearch Foundation - a charitable organisation that supports Early Career Researcher projects, and science outside the classroom for 10-13 year olds.

G r a n t s

November 2023


Government of the Pitcairn Islands, facilitated by CEFAS. Supported by the Lyell Centre.

Pitcairn Islands Expedition 2025.


October 2024

Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society / Scottish Universities Physics Alliance: Collaboration Scheme


Kickstart funding for technological innovation, in collaboration with the University of Strathclyde.

May 2022


Early Career Researcher Travel Grant

The 8th International Symposium on Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces

Conference attendance.

May 2022


Ecosystems Group Fund

School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Newcastle University

Further training. 

May 2021


Ecosystems Group Fund

School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Newcastle University

Away Day.

December 2017


Postgraduate Development Fund

Postgraduate Development School, Newcastle University 

{react} magazine.

December 2015


Postgraduate Mobility Fund

School of Marine Science and Technology, Newcastle University

Conference attendance.

C e r t i f i c a t i o n

Introduction to Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

STCW Personal Survival Techniques

ENG1 Medical

Full clean UK Driving Licence

Outdoor First Aid

L a b o r a t o r y
a p p r o a c h e s


Total surfactant activity quantification in natural water samples, using alternating current out-of-phase voltammetry.


Total absorbance and chromophoric dissolved organic matter content of natural water.


Fluorescent dissolved organic matter quantification, peak picking and PARAFAC analysis.

Liquid chromatography

Size exclusion chromatography of dissolved organic matter compound specific size fractions, with organic nitrogen, organic carbon and ultraviolet detection.

Mass spectrometry

Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry of solid phase extractions of dissolved organic matter in water.

Air-water gas exchange

Operation of custom built systems, and in in situ sensors, that establish rates of gas transfer in water and across the air-water interface.

Sediment digestions

Marine sediment core processing and digestions for diatom slide preparation.

Light microscopy

Counting and identification of diatom assemblages from marine sediment cores, species identification and cell isolation from natural water samples, and monitoring live culture health.

Diatom culturing

Maintenance of established single species diatom cultures, cell isolations and culturing from natural water samples, and monitoring growth phases.

Particle size analysis

Marine sediment core processing.

Loss on Ignition

Marine sediment core processing.

K e y   s k i l l s


Combining perspectives of biogeochemistry, microbiology and palaeoceanography, and working with physicists, modellers and social scientists to answer big climate questions. Ultimately to feed into policy structure.

Community building

................ Advocacy. 


Mobilising for complex, and often remote, expeditions. Organising large events, such as conferences, launch parties and away days.

Developing others

I provide a safe space to ask questions and explore ideas through sitting on several PhD candidates' advisory committees. I regularly facilitate workshops and critical discussions within my research group, and sign post to relevant resources and opportunities.

Data handling

Producing, processing, managing and interpreting large, novel, datasets.


Developing novel applications and combinations of existing scientific techniques, and workflow, to improve efficacy, sustainability and decrease research costs.


My research; CWD meetings; Fieldwork; ......................................................


Working in remote environments, in all weathers, with little to no immediate logistical support or back-up resources.

Science communication

My communication portfolio spans peer reviewed and lay articles, in-person and virtual talks, working with school children and the general public, podcasting, blogging and social media.

Critical thinking

Objective analysis and evaluation of ................................

I actively seek out and create opportunities to work with Humanities professionals. I consider integration of the Arts and Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths disciplines to be fundamental to making a well-rounded impact in society.


Lateral thinking

Applying creative solutions to addressing research questions, and problems during laboratory work and expeditions.


Peer review ................................





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